quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2020


DATA: 15/04/2020


Leia o texto explicativo referente ao gênero “Contos” e em seguida transcreva-o em seu caderno (o texto em inglês e em português) para seu melhor entendimento. ALUNO: NÃO SE ESQUEÇA DO MÉTODO DE LEITURA FACILITADOR QUE JÁ APRENDEMOS EM SALA DE AULA. 

Tale is a short narrative that, in general, presents only one conflict. Some subdivisions of this genre are: the fantastic tale and the fairy tale.
The short story is one of the most common narrative genres in the Brazilian literary tradition. Great authors, such as Álvares de Azevedo, Machado de Assis or Mário de Andrade, are recognized as excellent short story writers. Because of the importance of gender, many colleges and universities ask candidates, in their entrance exams, to produce short stories. There are even some types or subcategories of this genre, among which are: the fairy tale or the fantastic tale.
The short story genre is structured as a short narrative that involves only one conflict. In this perspective, the moment of greatest tension of the genre is called the climax. In addition, although it is not a rule, it is common for the tale to present:

few characters;

limited space or scenery;

reduced time frame.
The structure of the story is based on the fundamental elements of the narrative typology. In this sense, the textual genre in question must have:

·         Characters
This element corresponds to the beings that perform and suffer actions during the plot of the narratives. In this sense, they can be characters both human beings and other living beings, such as animals, plants or even humanized objects.
·         Storyteller
The narrator is the one who tells the story to the reader, has types, as explained below.

1st person narrator: also known as character narrator, he is the one who participates in the plot he narrates. The verbs used are inflected in the 1st person of the speech.

Observer narrator: does not participate in the story, is someone external to it, unknown to the characters and irrelevant to the conflict. The verbs used are inflected in the 3rd person of the speech. It is important to say: this narrator tells only what he sees, ignoring the future or the thoughts of the characters.

Omniscient narrator: also does not participate in history. However, unlike the observer, he is a type who knows the past, the future and the thoughts of the characters.
·         Time
This element in a narrative can be understood in two ways. On the one hand, time is spoken of as the time when history occurs.
·         Space
The space of a short story is, in general, the scenario in which the characters perform and suffer the actions that make up the plot.
·         Plot
It is defined as the sequence of actions that make up the story. It is the plot that brings movement to the narrative genre.

·         Conflict
It can be defined as the problem situation experienced by the characters in a narrative. In the case of the short story, because it is a short genre, the conflict is usually unique.

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