quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2020


DATA: 15/04/2020


Leia o texto explicativo referente ao gênero “Reportagem” e em seguida transcreva-o em seu caderno (o texto em inglês e em português) para o seu melhor entendimento. ALUNO: NÃO SE ESQUEÇA DO MÉTODO DE LEITURA FACILITADOR QUE JÁ APRENDEMOS EM SALA DE AULA.  

Reporting is a type of text that aims to inform while providing for creating an opinion in readers, therefore, it has a very important social function as an opinion maker.

The report can be an expository, informative, descriptive, narrative or opinionated text.

In this way, it can approach both news and opinion articles, but it should not be confused with them.

Expository and Informative because it exposes on a certain subject, with the main purpose of informing the reader.

They can also be descriptive and narrative texts, since they describe actions and include time, space and characters.

Finally, it is an opinionated text, that is, the reporter presents value judgments about what is being discussed.

They are generally longer texts, opinionated and signed by reporters, while the news are relatively short and impersonal texts that are intended to only inform the reader of a current fact that has occurred.

In summary, we can say that the news is part of informative journalism, while the reports are part of the so-called opinionated journalism.

For this reason, the report is a text that needs more time to be prepared by the reporter, from which a debate on a topic develops, in a more comprehensive way than the news.

Although it presents a structure similar to that of the news, the report is broader and less rigid in its textual structure.

It may include the author's opinions and interpretations, interviews and testimonies, data and research analysis, causes and consequences, statistical data, among others.
Below are the main features of the reporting genre:

·        First and third person texts
·        Presence of titles
·        Social, political, economic issues
·        Simple, clear and dynamic language
·        Direct and indirect speech
·        Objectivity and subjectivity
·        Formal language
·        Texts signed by the author

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